Size Chart for Journals

This table illustrates most common journals sizes that are made by different brands. Each notebook is illustrated next to a medium size adult hand to give you a better idea of the size. Use this chart to decide what size notebook fits your purpose best. We have also included links to appropriate leather covers for these sizes.


A5 is the most common size used for journaling.
Most brands offer this size.


B5 is the most popular oversized notebook, offered by many brands.


A6 is a classic pocket or purse notebook that is wider than some other variations of pocket books.


Letter size is the most popular oversized notebook in the US, with a lot of economical options.


Legal pads are top bound notepads mostly popular for desktop padfolios.


B6 has become very popular recently as a hybrid between A5 and A6.


Composition lab notebooks are an economical everyday notebook with ample space.


A4 is very close to legal notepads in size, but usually with a side binding.

Field Notes

Taken after farmers notebooks in American farmlands, Field Notes quickly became a popular pocket memo book.

Moleskine Large

Moleskine Large is slightly narrower than standard A5; difference is enough to need a different cover.

Moleskine Small

Moleskine Classic small pocket hard cover is a narrower than standard A6, but slightly beefier than Field Notes.

Moleskine X-Small

Moleskine Volant X-small is a tiny little notebook that can fit in a small wallet, thus we made a special wallet for it.

Rocketbook Executive

Rocketbook Executive size is a custom non-standard size that requires its own cover.

Full Focus

This popular planner by Michael Hyatt is unique enough in many aspects including size to demand its own cover size.